Friday, April 18, 2008

Answer This!

One fine, sunny, lazy, afternoon, my niece, Nadine, asked my Dad:

"Lolo, Jesus Christ is the son of Almighty God, right?"

My Dad answered, "Yes, He is. Why do you ask?"

Nadine replied, "Then who is the wife of Almighty God?"

My Dad was caught off-guard. He didn't know how to answer the question from a seven-year-old-girl... the question that my Dad, himself (and even I), doesn't know the answer to!

So my Dad just told Nadine that he really does not know the answer to her question. Good thing Nadine didn't have a follow-up question on that.

How about you, how would answer her question? Tell me... ; p


kupao1502 said...

this is why I'm a fallen Catholic. I better rehearse my line when the time comes and I have my own son/daughter in the future.

Anonymous said...

hey already sent you the studi version :) hope you like it :)

PrettyCielo ッ said...


yeah, got it! thank you so, so much! yes, of course, i like it VERY much.

thank you! = )

siyetehan said...

the bible refers to the "church" (or christians) as His bride.

But you can't just explain that to a child :)