Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Toy Story

Toys. Why are they so much fun?

My Enzo has a hell lot of toys in his nursery. Stuffed animals, Ferrari toy cars, phonics radio, big trucks, squeaking toys, rubber duckies, etc. But among his toys, I especially like the ones that make cute little sounds and those that light up when its buttons are pressed. It never fails to make me smile.

I don't know but everytime I look at them, I seem to be enjoying them so much. In fact, I think I enjoy them more than my son does. Even at the toy stores in the malls, I always, always have the urge to press the buttons of the toys on display. Funny, isn't it? I guess it's probably because I never had such toys when I was young(er). Hek... hek...

Somehow I understand why kids go crazy over toys. They are fun. Big or small, expensive or not, toys will be toys. Love them! Good thing I now have Enzo. I can always play with him and have a good excuse to play with his toys. Care to join? ; p

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