Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Fast and The Furious APRIL 2008...

Awww... April is now over! Time literally flies so fast! In just 30 days, a lot of things happened already...

On the 5th, our youngest bro, Mark, graduated from college... finally!

Then, during the last week of last month, my brother, Patrick, and his then girlfriend, Nikole, were asking me on the how-abouts in going to Hong Kong Disneyland. But due to lack of time in preparation, they ended up going to Palawan. They stayed there for like 3 days or so, during the 1st week of April.

After their trip, I was just nagging Nikole in coming with us to see a new movie this end of April. She said she can't because she is scheduled to leave for Ireland on the 30th of April. Sad! Because she won't be around for the next 6 months or so.

And then during my son Enzo's 7th month birthday celebration on April 18, the lovebirds, Nikole and Patrick, were asking me questions as about getting married. Made me wonder... Ho-hum...

A few days later, April 19, to be exact, Patrick and Nikole was literally forcing us to go to my sister Dione's house for dinner. I kind'da knew what it was all about but refused to give in to their request because my husband and I were having a blast at my bestest friend Aya's house celebrating the baptism of their first-born, Janus, and the birthday of her loving hubby, Vhic.

But of course, we gave in to their request. I knew what it was all about. And yeah, she is pregnant. Yahoo! She's 2 months preggy at that time. Ang saya kasi I know my bro was waiting for it to happen. And so we all rushed to help them get married. And so they did! They wed at the QC Hall on the 25th of April. It was a very simple civil wedding but it was all fun!

And of course, my baby wouldn't let them steal the limelight from him. He had asthma the day after so we rushed him to the CSMC, as always. Thank God it wasn't that bad because home medication was ok.

I've been complaining how idle my life has become since I got pregnant and until now, but, come to think of it, it is not! My daily routine seems to be predictable but sometimes, it just could be so perplexing!

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